I built this amp for Kirk Fletcher to use on his album ‘Hold On’ which he recorded in Bristol in 2018. He used it exclusively on every track and then again for his subsequent tours. It is based on a 1957 Fender ‘Pro Amp which has been modified with a larger output transformer, a solid state/tube rectrifier switch and a few other tweaks to maximise reliability and ruggedness. The amp produces 35 watts in solid state mode and 26 watts with the tube rectifier and is built into the chassis of a 5E3 tweed deluxe. It produces a full ranging clean tone that is both fat and sweet, and behaves itself very well when breaking up. The two differently voiced inputs combined with its unique tone stack give it a lot of tonal versatility. The standard model comes as a 1x12 combo fitted with a Celestion Alnico Gold. I’ve also built it as a head, as a 2x10 combo for jump blues guitarist Phil Astles and as a 1x12 in a larger cab for fabulous German session player Lars Kutschke. Drop me a line if youre interested in having one built.
2x 6L6, 1x 12AY7, 2x 12AX7, 1x GZ34
2 inputs - Bright, Normal
Bright Volume, Normal Volume, Bass, Treble, Presence
Rectifier switch
35 Watts in Solid State rectifier mode, 26 Watts in Tube rectifier mode
Power switch with AC indicator
Speaker outputs 2 x 4 ohms and 1 x 8 ohms
Priced at £2495 (Std 1x12)
KF30 in 1x12 and 2x10 formats